small groups

Acts 2: 42-47 gives us a clear picture of the early church and the components of a biblical community. These believers engaged in life together through teaching, fellowship, communion, prayer, miracles, radical generosity, and corporate worship. They spent time together eating, learning, celebrating, proclaiming the Good News, and supporting each other.

The New Testament gives us multiple instructions on how to treat each other in our community. We are challenged to love, serve, forgive, encourage, confess sins, pray for one another and bear each other's burden. We are reminded that we are all apart of the same body and must strive to fulfil The Great Commandment of loving God and loving His people.

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God never intended for us to live the chirstian life alone. He calls us to love, not in an abstract or superficial way, but in a deep, face to face,  transformative way—which is difficult and inevitably messy. However, this is mandatory for every genuine believer and must be practiced.

This is where Small Group comes in.
Our Small Groups serve as a place where Believers in Christ can toss away Sunday-morning-only Christianity. This is where the word is put into practice and we see Godly relationships being built. We strive to "encourage one another and build one another up" (1 Thes. 5:11) as the Biblical saints did.

Without this aim for love and unity, the church would be filled with disengaged members missing out on what's essential-- Godly relationships.


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